
This master research program offers an advanced training in information theory, source coding, signal processing for multimedia, networking, and multimedia security. An important part is devoted to the optimization of network architecture and protocols for the delivery of audio-visual contents.

Most of the courses are illustrated by labs, to make theoretical notions more concrete. A pluridisciplinary research project prepares students to research. Seminars, whose topics are continuously renewed, present hot research directions, as well as key industrial applications.

The module description is available here IPP-Mention E3A IPP-MultimediaNetworking.

First semester (September-December)

September is dedicated to refreshers (18 hours by topic) in various topics related to multimedia networking

MN901 Refresher in probability, random processes, estimation and signal processing
MN902 Refresher in networking
MN903 Refresher in source coding
MN904 Refresher in optimization

Students have then to attend the following mandatory tracks (25 hours by topic):

MN905 Content distribution networks: performance and models
MN906 Multimedia security
MN907 Multimedia compression
MN908 Mathematics of information and source coding
MN909 Deep learning for multimedia

Second semester (January – March)

Students have to attend the following mandatory tracks (25 hours by topic):

MN910 Advanced compression techniques
MN911 Advanced multimedia security
MN912 Audio-visual transport (principles, protocols and advanced techniques)
MN913 Reinforcement learning for MM applications

In addition to these tracks, an introduction to research is performed via research seminars, joint projects and a 6 months internship in a research institution or in an industrial lab.

  • Seminars
    • Multimedia for gaming
    • HDR imaging
    • Live video streaming for large events
  • Joint Project
  • Internship (April – September)

Master 2 program jointly delivered at Institut Polytechnique de Paris and Université Paris-Saclay